Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pattern Recognition by William Gibson

In William Gibson’s novel Pattern Recognition, I observed a lot of irony. Cayce the main character for example works as an advertising consultant, yet she sort of has a phobia to logos and trademarks. I find it interesting that someone who works in a particular field would fear what the work with, but I guess the best way to conquer ones fear is by facing it. Cayce becomes intrigued by these segments of film on the internet and is then asked by her boss to find out who is creating them and why.

A constant theme throughout the story is that Cayce is constantly detecting patterns and meanings in information that at first appears to really mean nothing. I also noticed Gibson used very modern things in his book that I hadn’t noticed in other books I have read. I found his use of common things such as the internet and brand names to be a little weird. I found it strange because I think that by him doing this he is really putting a date on the book and might not make it relatable or understandable to someone reading it let’s say twenty years from now.
I think that the use of the 9/11 attacks represents a transition from the past into the future. It is using that day as the beginning of a new history to be created. This for Cayce was an exceptionally horrible day, because she lost her father on that day. I personally believe that it is this event that has made her into the person that she has become. She is a little paranoid and extra cautious about everything.

Pattern Recognition looks at the way that the Internet forms these groups of people bringing them together and making everyone person feel as though they are an important contribution. This is what I could relate with the most in this book and although I don’t think it will become a classic, I believe that it is well written.

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